Sunday, 13 July 2014


Session Method:
1. Asynchronous Processing.
2. Synchronous database updates.
3. Transfer of data for multiple transactions. Using FM bdc_insert.
4. As compared to call transaction, this is slow.
5. Best suited for bulk transfer.
6. Automatic error handling.
7. Error logs are created.
8. The value of sy-subrc is never returned. Because records are stored  temporary in session and after the records are updated   to the database.  
9.  You can store the sessions and it can be used for later processing.
 10. it can handle small amount of data as well as large amount of data.  
11. Function modules :
F4_FILENAME ( Open the legacy file [.txt or .xls]) .
TEXT_CONVERT_XSL_TO_SAP ( Convert the .xls file to sap format) : Using for only .xls files.
GUI_UPLOAD : Using for only .txt files.
BDC_OPEN_GROUP : To create a new session.(No session 1).
BDC_INSERT :  To add a transaction to a batch input session.

BDC_CLOSE_GROUP : To close the session.

1) The first step in the program is to do the recording. Recording is the process in which we record the steps by means of codes. So after doing recording a file will be generated. We use this file or I should say codes in our program. Then the question arises that why we need to do the recording and get the file?? The answer is that bdc is done when we have to upload a large no of  data in sap like 1000’s or more , and creating these many entries one by one manually is not possible .so in bdc what we do is we create one entry manually and record the process . this recording is used in the program in a loop to make rest of the entries.just the values will be different each time.
So for creating a recording the do following steps-
A) Go to transaction “ SHDB”. you will get following screen

B) click on “ NEW RECORDING”  u will get this window. Fill the name of recording in  the first , I have given name “DEMO1”. In the 2nd field i.e transaction code give  the name of the transaction which is to be performed, I have given “MM01” which is for creating materials. Then click “START RECORDING”.

C) I will show the recording of MM01 .

I have selected the following. then press enter to move to 2nd screen.

Select “BASIC DATA 1”. Click ok.

Next screen will be like this.

Fill in following fields.

Press enter. The recording will be generated. now  Click on “ SAVE” and then on “BACK” buttons at the top.

d) Now select the recording and click on “PROGRAM”.

e) Now give the name of a program(new one). And click on OK.

Give description of program and click on “ SOURCE CODE” at the bottom.

f) The Following code will get copied in the program.

2) Now we have to do the coding part. The first thing that is to be done is that at the top one include will be there naming  “BDCRECX1” this is standard include. we will not use this perform so  we will get the useful things from this perform and will delete this perform.  we will also delete the parameter “ DATASET” as we will not use it. So We have to go inside the include and scroll to bottom . There bottom two performs  we have to copy and paste in the main program.  Then delete the include. in one perform there will be “ NO DATA” delete it and give   ‘   ‘. As highlighted.

3) Now we will declare our structure according to the recording. And then create internal tables and work area. We will not use the automatically generated structure. So will delete the data declaration. We will declare like this. This is the structure to bring the data from excel sheet.

4) We have to declare data type for  the bdc .Like this

5) Now we will declare the internal tables and work  areas  .

Here the 1st one will be used for a function module which will allow us to select the excel file from presentation server(desktop).
2nd and 3rd are for storing the data.

6) This structure will be used  in the function module  which will bring data from excel sheet to internal table.

7) Creating selection screen. Here no need to remember the  parameter type  just go  inside the function “F4_FILENAME”  and see the export parameter type it is “IBIPPARMS-PATH” so we are using it.

8) Calling function to give option to select excel file from desktop.

9) Calling function to bring data from excel sheet to internal table.

10) Use the  function module " BDC_OPEN_GROUP ". In the field "GROUP" give any name which will be          the name of the session.

11) Logic for loop and use of recording

12) Replace the hard-coding starting from “RECORD” to field of work area. like this

 13)      Use function module "BDC_INSERT"

14)  Call function module " BDC_CLOSE_GROUP"

      15)      Now prepare the excel sheet. I will use this excel file

     16)      Run program .Then go to "SM35" for Session Overview. Line select your Program and press the Button "PROCESS".

We will get the 3 options for Processing
1.       Foreground - Step by step processing will be done by you.
2.       Background – All the Processing will be done in Background.
3.       Display Error – If there is any error, it will be displayed in log otherwise it is similar to background mode.
Select the mode from radio button and press ‘Process’ button

Following information message will be displayed if processing is successfully completed.we can press "SESSION OVERVIEW" for details of the session.
In case of any Error we can go to the log and check the error message from the  "LOG" button as shown below.

we will get the following screen.

17) we can go to "MM03" and check the material created.

   18) Full program code-

TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_excel,
          mbrsh TYPE mbrsh,
          mtart TYPE mtart,
          maktx TYPE maktx,
          matkl TYPE matkl,
          meins TYPE meins,
        END OF ty_excel.


        gv_name   TYPE rlgrap-filename,
        git_upl   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_excel,
        gwa_upl   TYPE ty_excel.


PARAMETERS : p_file TYPE ibipparms-path.


      program_name  = syst-cprog
      dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
*     FIELD_NAME    = ' '
      file_name     = p_file.

  gv_name = p_file.
*     I_FIELD_SEPERATOR          =
*     I_LINE_HEADER              =
      I_TAB_RAW_DATA             = G_DAT
      I_FILENAME                 = p_file
      I_TAB_CONVERTED_DATA       = gIT_upl
*     CONVERSION_FAILED          = 1
*     OTHERS                     = 2
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.


      CLIENT              = SY-MANDT
      GROUP               = 'AKS'
      KEEP                = 'X'
      USER                = SY-UNAME
      CLIENT_INVALID      = 1
      GROUP_INVALID       = 3
      GROUP_IS_LOCKED     = 4
      INTERNAL_ERROR      = 6
      QUEUE_ERROR         = 7
      RUNNING             = 8
      USER_INVALID        = 10
      OTHERS              = 11.

  LOOP AT gIT_upl INTO gWA_upl.

    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLMGMM' '0060'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RMMG1-MBRSH'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RMMG1-MTART'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(01)'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLMGMM' '4004'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'MAKT-MAKTX'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'MARA-MEINS'
    perform bdc_field       using 'MARA-MATKL'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSPO1' '0300'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'

       TCODE                  = 'MM01'
*   POST_LOCAL             = NOVBLOCAL
*   PRINTING               = NOPRINT
*   SIMUBATCH              = ' '
*   CTUPARAMS              = ' '
        DYNPROTAB              = BDCDATA
       INTERNAL_ERROR         = 1
       NOT_OPEN               = 2
       QUEUE_ERROR            = 3
       TCODE_INVALID          = 4
       PRINTING_INVALID       = 5
       POSTING_INVALID        = 6
       OTHERS                 = 7

      NOT_OPEN    = 1
      QUEUE_ERROR = 2
      OTHERS      = 3.
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
*        Start new screen                                              *
ENDFORM.                    "BDC_DYNPRO

*        Insert field                                                  *


ENDFORM.                    "BDC_FIELD


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